Blood, Sweat and Tears

Cool morning

Push mower
Shearing grass tops
Rhythmic motion
Mindless meditative work

Temperature rising
Air and body warming

Salty sweat
Beginning to flow

Clipper trimming
Stray branches

Inch-long thorns
Scratch and puncture
Unprotected arms

Blood mixing with sweat

Rake lifting 
Leaves and twigs 
From green carpet
Scent of mown grass

Fatigue setting in
Rest In cool shade


A young boy
And his dad
Planting  a garden
Work and play intertwined

Big boy
And little man
Sweating and dirty
Tired and happy

Loss of a son 
What it is like
To be

Scratch and puncture
Unprotected heart

Tears blending
With other fluids


  1. Bruno, that's a very touching poem. Joe will always be with you. When you cut the grass, during quiet times, during the fun times, and the hard times. When a certain song plays or something else grabs your attention and makes you remember Joe; he is there. He is telling you Dad, I am okay. I am here for you, and this song is to tell you I am doing fine and with you always. I think it is great that you honored Joe with this poem and were willing to share it with us. Take care. Love Katie

  2. Your making me cry... that is so sweet.. Love you cuz!!


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