Random thoughts, poetry and pictures

Random thoughts, poetry and pictures
A taste of my skewed view of the world.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Alive In ‘25


today i awoke in a new year

feeling happy to be alive

thankful for my home,

family, friends and Matisse The Cat.

grateful for clean water to drink,

good food to eat,

solar panels for energy,

comfortable clothes,

a garden  and seeds

full of potential.

today i awoke in a new year

feeling prophetic.

like nostradamus

i am making predictions

or perhaps, a better phrase, creating expectations

for the year twenty twenty-five.

some may come true, some may not.

i feel pretty confident:

twenty twenty-five will be

a year of war and peace, a year of sorrow and joy.

fortunes will be won and lost. 

people will fall in love and some will fall out.

there will be days of storm and days of calm.

there will be sickness and healing.

there will be births and deaths.

errors will be made and some, corrected.

there will be new discoveries.

there will be misunderstandings.

some misconceptions will be corrected 

and some created.

there will be arts and music,

awards and consequences.

there will be celebrations of birth

and celebrations of life.

today i awoke in a new year

feeling happy and prophetic.

i predict twenty twenty-five will be

a year like no other and a year like every other.

happy new year